Round the Clock Senior Companions




RTC Senior Companions is a proud member of The Senior's Choice, a nework of over 170 companion care providers throughout U.S. and Canada. Our affiliation with The Senior's Choice, a national leader in senior care, allows us to share resources and continually improve our services.

Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure a better quality of life for our elderly clients and their families, by providing dependable, compassionate, and affordable care. 
Our Vision
Round the Clock Senior Companions envision a world in which senior citizens can age gracefully, socialize frequently, and live confidently.
We reject the idea that seniors have nothing to expect but isolation, malnutrition, institutionalization, and indignity. We will not allow them to become third-world citizens in a first-world nation. 



Home is Where the Heart is...
Our focus is to keep you or your loved ones at home, where the heart is, and avoid:
  • loss of friends and possessions
  • loss of independence and freedom
  • loss of spirit which is drained by the battles of daily living.

Our caring service makes it possible for the elderly to maintain as much independence as possible, by providing the appropriate in-home assistance and companionship. In that way we lift spirits  of the elderly, and burden of the family caregivers.



Round the Clock Senior Companions, Inc.
Compassionate and Affordable In-Home Care
Bus: 714 281 1727
Cell: 714 797 1450
Fax: 714 281 2505